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InZone is designed to provide early intervention services for youth ages 10-14 who have been identified by a counselor, school administrator, teacher, or parent(s) or by the juvenile courts as being at-risk. 

Tutoring and mentoring students
students in summer program
adventures for kids
learning opportunities for students

InZone provides services for youth through the school year and during summer months. The essential components of our program include:


Group: InZone staff facilitate group sessions discussing real issues confronted by students which include interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, conflict and anger management, daily decision-making, and strategies to reach their full potential. Students use this time to “own their story” by addressing their circumstances head-on and then setting weekly goals to determine their next steps forward.


Meals: InZone provides daily meals and snacks to our students. With so many other challenges facing these youth, food insecurity is one that we want to eliminate! We must first meet the physical needs of our students before we can successfully address the deeper social, academic, and spiritual needs. All of our dinners are provided by volunteers, and we are so thankful for their faithful support in meeting the tangible, physical needs of our youth.   


Academics: Through the support of tutors through United Way’s High Dosage Tutoring Program as well as volunteer tutors and staff, InZone students receive 1-on-1 academic support daily! This time is for remediation, enrichment opportunities, or catching up on missed assignments. Academic achievement and high school graduation open many doors for youth to be successful in their next steps. 


Special Interest Activities: Students are exposed to a variety of activities to encourage them to find hobbies or interests that they are passionate about pursuing. Art, music, sports, board games, wood-working, and outdoor activities are just a few examples of the positive activities youth at InZone are exposed to. Share your positive interests with youth by volunteering to lead an activity time! 


Positive Behavior Intervention Systems: InZone emphasizes reinforcing positive behavior through a rewards system. Students are given “InZone bucks” on a daily basis for positive behavior that they can redeem. Additionally, we provide monthly reward trips and quarterly reward trips for students who reach academic and behavior goals. 


Parental Engagement: The holistic approach of the InZone program relies on the engagement of families in our process. InZone provides resources and support to the families as they seek to provide structure and guidance at home. The first Thursday of every month is dedicated to this family engagement through our mandatory family night consisting of a meal and a guest speaker emphasizing a family resource or support. Additionally, parents have the opportunity to join a monthly parenting support group that is currently led by Dr. Litwin

In-School Schedule


2:45 pm-7:00 pm 

*Wednesday dismissal 5:45

InZone follows the Hamilton County Schools Academic Calendar. Youth are picked up after school by staff and transported to InZone. 


Summer Schedule


9:00 am-4:00 pm

InZone youth must be dropped off and picked up each day of the summer program. 

How can I refer a student?

A parent, teacher, counselor, school administrator, juvenile court, etc., can refer students to the program.

All students are admitted on a trial basis to assess compatibility with the program. There are no fees associated with the program.

Become an academic tutor!

Sit with our students as they read and work on their homework. It doesn't matter how much you know!

Become a dinner volunteer!

Each night our boys eat dinner before they head home. If cooking or hospitality is your love language, this is for you!

Become a mentor!

Our students need caring adults who want to spend time with them. Play games or eat dinner with us!

Transform Ministries

Transform Ministries | PO Box 3026 Chattanooga, TN 37404 | 423-622-5768

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